Fort Dix V -
History of Fort
Chapter V
When the United States entered World
War I, the US Army could not claim a single active division. At the time, the
largest operational element of the Army was the infantry regiment. Of these,
only 31 Regular Army regiments and 110 National Guard regiments existed. The
later varied considerably in strength and number of battalions.
The War Department had prepared
plans and drawn up tables of organization to assign various regiments to
infantry divisions using the triangular principle, i.e., elements grouped in
threes. However, shortly after General John J. Pershing and his staff arrived
in France, they determined that the square division, elements grouped in fours,
demonstrated far greater power to penetrate the system of trenches peculiar to
the Western Front. On 8 June 1917, two months after the US declared war, the
Army activated the 1st Infantry Division in France utilizing four infantry
regiments, the 16th, 18th, 26th, and 28th. The “Big Red One” became the
prototype for all US Infantry divisions, which were subsequently organized in
World War I.
General Pershing in his analysis of
tactical organizations in an official report to the secretary of war, 20
November 1918, stated: “After a thorough consideration of allied organizations
it was decided that our combat division should consist of four regiments of
infantry of 3,000 men with three battalions to regiment and four companies of
250 men each to a battalion and of an artillery brigade of three regiments, a
machine gun battalion, a signal battalion wagon trains and the headquarters
staffs and military police. These, with medical and other units, made a total
of over 28,000 men, or practically double the size of a French or German
divisions.” 1 (Francis A. March, History of World War I, p. 702)
The changes in size and organization
of the infantry division recommended by General Pershing and employed by him in
organizing the 1st Infantry Division presented problems to the War
Department. Not only would all of the tables of organization have to be
re-written but National Guard and National Army cantonments which already were
under construction would have to be adjusted and expanded to provide for the
added units and the increased strength. There was considerable opposition in
the War Department to revising the organization of the Army in mid-summer 1917
just at the time that the National Guard and the first draft of selective
service men were being called.
However, the secretary of war let it be known
that the commander in chief in France who was to command our Army in battle
should have the size division he wanted. Largely because of the strong support
given to General Pershing by the secretary of war, the square infantry division
concept was quickly adopted by the War Department and published in a series of
tables of organization beginning on 8 August 1917.
Just prior to that date, on 5
August, official announcement was made by the War Department of the
establishment of 16 infantry divisions of the National Army. Among these was
the 78th Infantry Division, scheduled to organize and train at Camp Dix,
Wrightstown, New Jersey. The division was allocated draftees from the first
contingent as follows: Delaware, 1,202; New Jersey, 20,665; and New York,
21,160. On 13 August, the War Department directed that the 78th Infantry
Division Headquarters be organized and the commissioned officers report for
duty on 15 August. The next day, the division commander was directed to
organize subordinate units of the division in accordance with Tables of
Organization, dated 8 August 1917.
Major General Chase W. Kennedy
assumed command of the division on 23 August and at the same time became the
first commanding general of Camp Dix. He was destined, however, to command this
New Jersey installation and its units only three months because of policies
being developed in France.
In November 1917 from his
headquarters in France, General Pershing wrote to the War Department of his
concern regarding age of the generals who had been assigned for duty as
division commander with the American Expeditionary Forces. He pointed out that
the average age of the French and British division commander was 38 to 45. They
had found this necessary because of the extreme mental and physical demands
placed on combat commanders at the Western Front, even at the division level.
Pershing requested he be assigned generals of comparable age to that of the
French and British commanders. His request was honored, and one of those
selected was General Kennedy at Camp Dix.
Kennedy was relieved from assignment
at Camp Dix on 28 November 1917 and soon after sailed for France. Following his
departure, Brigadier Generals John S. Mallory and James T. Dean served ad
interim assignments as commander of Camp Dix and the 78th Division until 2
January 1918 when Major General Hugh L. Scott assumed both responsibilities.
General Scott had been chief of
staff, United States Army, until 22 September 1917 when he was placed on a
retired list but continued on active duty. Following a visit to Russia as an
observer with the Root Mission, General Scott was assigned to the A.E.F. in
France. By coincidence, he was one of the older generals whom General Pershing
specifically had mentioned in his letter to the War Department. On 20 April
1918, Brigadier General James H. McRae, later to become major general, was
assigned as commanding general of the 78th Division and served in that
capacity throughout the remainder of World War I. General Scott continued as
camp commander until 12 May 1919 at which time he was relieved of the post and
placed on full retirement.
To return to the activities of the
78th Division, the organization of its subordinate units began during the
last week of August 1917 from a cadre of Regular Army officers and organized
Reserve Corps and National Army officers from the First Officers’ Training
Camp, Madison Barracks, New York.
The 78th Division consisted of
two infantry brigades, the 155th and `56th with the 309th,
310th Infantry Regiments, the 308th Machine Gun Battalion,
respectively, the 153rd Field Artillery Brigade with the 307th and
308th Field Artillery Regiments (75mm), the 309th Field Artillery
Regiment (155mm) and the 303rd Trench Mortar Battery; 303rd Engineer
Regiment; 303rd Signal Battalion; 303rd headquarters and Military
Police Trains; 303rd Supply, Ammunition, Engineer, and Sanitation Trains;
the 309th, 310th, 311th, 312th Ambulance Companies and Field Hospitals,
and the 153rd Depot Brigade.
At each of the National Guard camps,
a depot brigade with the mission of training draftees as replacements was
assigned as a component part of the National Guard divisions. The
153rd Depot Brigade was activated on 17 August 1917 with six training
battalions, which became a part of the 78th Division after its formation.
In October, three provisional training regimental headquarters were formed by
the brigade, and these assumed direct supervision of the training battalions. The
brigade remained subordinate to the 78th division until the
78th departed for France. At that time, it became an independent command,
expanding to 10 training battalions, which was its organization throughout the
remainder of the war.
In addition to the
78th Division, other major organizations were activated at Camp Dix and
carried on training simultaneously with the division. The largest of these was
the 167th Field Artillery Brigade (Negro), which was activated in November
1917. The 167th Brigade was part of the 92nd Infantry Division, which
had its headquarters at Camp Funston, Kansas. The brigade remained in training
at Camp Dix until the 92nd Division left for France in June 1918.
Other units were the
24th Engineer Regiment, activated in November 1917, and the 34th and
54th Engineer Regiments, activated in February 1918. All of these
regiments departed for France in June 1918. Camp Dix also operated a Cooks and
Bakers School, which provided personnel for units throughout the US Army. It was
activated in September 1917 and remained in operation until long after the end
of the war. It was inactivated in April 1922.
US Army medical activities began at
Camp Dix with the arrival, on 27 August 1917, of an ambulance company of the
22nd Field Hospital and several medical officers. A month later the first
group of 20 nurses reported from a Red Cross training center. Initially, a
temporary field hospital was established in troop barracks during the
construction of the Camp Dix Base Hospital. On 22 October, the Base Hospital
opened in the area just to the east of the Wrightstown-Camp Dix entrance. The
original structures was expanded throughout the war until it reached a maximum
capacity of 2, 184 beds. At that time, the total assigned strength consisted of
104 officers, 650 enlisted men and 158 nurses.
The first draftees reporting to Camp
Dix were confronted with military supply problems similar to the construction
supply problems that faced contractors. Quartermaster records of September 1917
show the following items on hand for issue to the incoming soldiers: 204 cotton
shirts, 84 service hats, 614 pairs of shoes and 500 pairs of leggings. Also on
hand were 47,430 cotton undershirts, 39,350 cotton stockings and 24, 600 wool
stockings. With this shortage and imbalance, it is understandable why many of
the first men had to continue wearing their civilian clothes during the early
stages of training.
The same situation existed with
respect to food supplies. The records show available for issue: 135,000 rations
of bacon, 169,000 of corned beef, 1,135,000 pounds of sugar and 2,575,000 of
salt. With weapons it was the same. The first rifles used by the soldiers were
the Krag, .30-40, which first came into use during the Spanish-American war,
and the 1903 Springfield .30-06, went into full production that the US soldiers
had a common rifle.
The training day for the doughboys
of World War I was not much different from that of the infantrymen today. First
Call came at 5:45 a.m., with Assembly 15 minutes later. Breakfast began at 6:20
a.m., followed by sick Call at 6:45 a.m., and stable Call at 7 a.m. First Call
for drill was sounded at 7:20 a.m., with Assembly at 7:30 a.m. The noon break
lasted from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Recall was blown at 5 p.m. Retreat was
held at 5;35 p.m., with the evening meal following immediately. Night classes
were conducted each evening during the week from 7 to 8:30 p.m., and Taps
closed out the day at 10 p.m. A six-day work week was followed, and only on
Sundays and holidays was there a break in training, when Revelle sounded
one-half hour later.
The doughboys’ training consisted of
heavy emphasis on close order drill, calisthenics, marches and bivouacs, filed
inspections, range firing, bayonet drill, and defense and attack of mock
Despite the rigorous and long hours
of training, it was not all work and no play” for the soldiers at Camp Dix. The
moral and welfare of each soldier were considerations that occupied the time of
many individuals and organizations. Personalities from the entertainment world
visited the post to perform for the troops. The first well-known comedian to
appear at the camp was Sir Harry Lauder whose Scottish brogue, put to tune in
the inaugural act, was followed by other noted musicians, singer and actors of
the day.
While all of the events were given
on a large scale, there was no central agency such as today’s United Service
Organization (USO) to organize and coordinate entertainment activities This
lack of central organization did not affect the quality or quantity of
entertainment supplied to the army camps. Private welfare agencies military
personnel assigned to provide for the morale, welfare and entertainment of the
soldiers filled the gap. Although their activities were not centralized, a
number of agencies and facilities was in operation at Camp Dix.
The Y.M.C.A. maintained nine huts
and an auditorium, which was the largest building on post. The Knights of
Columbus had three huts and an auditorium, the latter located near the camp
swimming pool at 8th Street and New Jersey Avenue. This site presently is
occupied by the Army Education Center. The pool also was built by the Knights
of Columbus but not completed in time for use in World War I.
The Jewish Welfare organization’s
building was located at 5th Street and New Jersey Avenue, and the
Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey operated the Saint George Club in Pointville.
The latter building later was sold to the government for one dollar and
converted to a guesthouse. The Red Cross building was located at 8th Street
and New York Avenue. It was later torn down, and the A.R.C. constructed a new
building in 1942 near the old site.
The Salvation Army operated a club
in Wrightstown as it does today. Fire consumed the first building, and the
organization moved into quarters of the “Mole Tequop Club,” an Army service
club located on the main corner of Wrightstown. The Mole Tequop operated under
the Commission Training Camp Activities of the War Department and was one of
three service clubs located in Wrightstown. The club’s unusual name was derived
from an Indian phrase meaning “Sign Talker” which had been given to Major
General Hugh L. Scott, camp commander, by an Indian tribe many years before.
The Christian Scientists maintained
a facility near New Jersey and 8th Street; the Camp Community Service had
a lodge near Wrightstown and there were two Hostess Houses for the
entertainment of Negro troops, one of which was later converted into an
officer’s club. Among other activities at the camp were a dramatic club, a post
library with 2500 volumes, a full-time camp song instructor, a camp athletic
director and a camp boxing instructor.
Each evening the latest silent films
were presented at the post’s first theater. Often doubling as a sports arena,
the spacious Liberty Theater could seat nearly 1,000 persons. Such classics as
“West of Today,” and “Six Feet Four” were among the many films presented. “West
of Today” starring William Russell was considered a film intended “only for
people with red blood in their veins.”
To keep informed of the news, the
soldiers had a variety of camp newspapers to choose from. “The Trench and Camp
Weekly, “ “The Camp Dix Times,” “The Camp Dix News,” and “The Camp Dix
Pictorial Review,” were printed by the “Trenton Times” for such agencies as the
contractors and Y.M.C.A. for issue to workers and soldiers. One item the men
read in August of 1918 concerned 370 Italian soldiers who had arrived at Camp
Dix after crossing more than half the world on their return to Italy. It was an
unusual story!
When Austria declared war in 1914,
many Italians living in the provinces of Southern Tyrol, Treseste, Friuli,
Istria and Dalmatia were compelled to join the Austrian Army. The impressed
soldiers were sent to fight on the Russian front against a nation allied with
their homeland. Taking advantage of every opportunity to surrender, the
Italians fell into the hands of the Russians who held them prisoner until the
arrival of an Italian military mission to Moscow. After release in December
1917, the men began a long and adventurous journey across Siberia. Eventually,
they reached China and obtained passage to the United States. Upon reaching the
US, the soldiers were sent to Camp Dix to await their voyage to Italy. At Dix,
the Italians were joined by about 2,000 aliens who had requested return to
Europe to join in the fight against the Germans.
The Italians were acclaimed to be
the “bravest of the brave,” who would, when they finally reached front, “fight
like demons because they have been through hell.” 2. (Camp Dix Times, vol.
I, no. xxxxiv 1918, pp. 1 & 18)
The Germans never saw the fighting
mettle of these spirited soldiers for, ironically, the war ended before they
reached the front.
By the end of October 1917 the
78th Division still had not reached full strength, it numbered only 16,000
men. In the last drafts of 1917, which reported to Camp Dix during the period
19-24 November, only 5,000 additional men were furnished to the camp. During
this period, the division was called on to provide fillers for units shipping
to France. By 10 November, transfers had reduced the size of the division to
less than half its authorized strength. It remained at the same level
throughout the winter of 197-18, but in April and early May, the division was
brought up to full strength by transfers from New England, New York, New Jersey
and Illinois. This occurred just before the division’s movement to France,
where it arrived in early June. After two and one-half months training with the
British in Flanders, the division joined the First US Army and participated in
the St. Mihiel and Meuse operations.
With the departure of the
78th Division, the War Department designated Camp Dix as an embarkation
point for units departing overseas. The first division to use the camp as a
staging area before movement to points of embarkation was the
87th Infantry Division (National Army), which had been activated at Camp
Pike, Arkansas, at the same time as the 78th Division. The 87th or
“Acorn” Division was composed of soldiers from Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi
and Alabama. It’s troops began to move into Camp Dix on 18 June 1918 and
remained until 18 August when its advanced elements began their movement in
France. During its stay at Camp Dix, the division received 10,000 replacements
from the 153rd Depot Brigade. The division did not see action in the war;
it still was in training in France when the armistice was signed.
Almost immediately after departure
of the 87th Division, parts of the 67th and 68thInfantry Brigades of
the 34th Division (National Guard) began to arrive at Camp Dix. The
34th “Sandstorm” Division had trained at Camp Cody, New Mexico, and was
composed of National Guard units called into service from Iowa, Minnesota,
North and South Dakota, and Nebraska.
It was while the 34th Division
troops were staging at Camp Dix that the influenza epidemic struck the
reservation. The epidemic had been rampant throughout the United States
resulting in the death of more than 500,000 people in a 10-month period.
The camp was placed under strict
quarantine from early September to 12 October 1918. In this period, more than
12,000 cases of influenza and pneumonia were reported, and at one time, the
Base Hospital had a peak load of 7,943 patients. The hospital had to utilize 18
barracks normally used for housing troops to provide for the overflow from the
wards. Approximately 900 soldiers died during the epidemic. At the height of
the attack, as many as 70 to 80 deaths occurred a day.
According to a newsman at Camp Dix during the epidemic, the first deceased soldiers were shipped to their homes in flag-covered coffins with military escort. However, the deaths occurred at such a high rate that eventually escorts could not be provided, and soon the post’s supply of flags ran out. During the latter stages of the epidemic, only plain wooden coffins carried the dead to their final resting place. In early October, the number of cases diminished, and the infantry brigades of the 34thDivision began their embarkation for France.
According to a newsman at Camp Dix during the epidemic, the first deceased soldiers were shipped to their homes in flag-covered coffins with military escort. However, the deaths occurred at such a high rate that eventually escorts could not be provided, and soon the post’s supply of flags ran out. During the latter stages of the epidemic, only plain wooden coffins carried the dead to their final resting place. In early October, the number of cases diminished, and the infantry brigades of the 34thDivision began their embarkation for France.
With the movement of the
34th Division to ports of embarkation, Camp Dix was preparing for the
activation of the 102nd Infantry Division, one of the new divisions the
War Department planned to commit in France for the big offensive scheduled in
1919. However, the abrupt end of the war in Europe came with only a small
number of cadres of lower ranks assembled at Camp Dix. With the armistice,
plans for activation of the division were dropped, and cadre personnel were
reassigned to existing units.
Thus Camp Dix ended it task as a
training and later an embarkation center of World War I, but its service in the
war was not finished.
Soon would begin the gigantic task
of returning to civilian life a good share of the four million men to be
Although Camp Dix began to serve as
a discharge point within a few days after the end of the war, it was not until
3 December 1918, when it was designated a Demobilization Center, that full
impact of the problem was felt.
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